Category: WordPress
Import Citations from Google Scholar Manually, but Easily
There are still no good solution to import articles from Google Scholar member citations list. I found how to import them at least easier with help of Zotero service, Zotero Firefox addon and ZotPress pwp plugin.Continue reading
No Editor Icons, Empty Editor Boxes, Problems with Featured Image Upload in WordPress Back-end Problem
I had a problem on some WordPress site’s back-end with empty meta boxes, no icons in wordpress text editor, featured image uploading lightbox didn’t worked etc. Thank God, there is a solution.
Best Plugin for WordPress Migration
All-in-One WP Migration never fails. It migrates all your data from one WordPress site to another empty WordPress installation within several minutes. Continue reading
Replace “Read More” Text for Woocommerce Out of Stock Products Listing
After newest updates of Woocommerce it was hard to find how to replace texts on product boxes buttons on products categories archives. Finally I’ve compiled a code that works for Read More default text of Out of Stock items listing.Continue reading
New Caching Plugin Gator Cache Compatible with Woocommerce
New caching plugin named Gator Cache found fully compatible with Woocommerce shop on Wordpress.Continue reading
Change Woocommerce Lightbox Links to Another Image Size Link Instead of Full Size
Change woocommerce product page main image and gallery thumbs links to open a large or a custom size image instead of default full size.Continue reading
Add Category Class to Body Classes of Woocommerce for Single Product Page
A code to include into a child theme functions.php – adding body class of a current category taxonomy term on a single product page on Woocommerce.Continue reading
Replace “Add to Cart” Button in Products Category List With a Link to Single Product Page in Woocommerce
Change “Add to Cart” buttons on product categories pages in product loop to go to a single product’s page instead of adding product to cart functionality.Continue reading
Add Last Modified Date of Post Update in TwentyThirteen WP Child Theme
Google requires “Last Modified” date to be present on a post in a special formatting. But latest TwentyThirteen WordPress theme still doesn’t have it. I found a way how to insert it into my child theme from its functions.php file.Continue reading
Add Missing .woocommerce Class And Other Classes to Pages Used by WooCommerce
When making modifications to WooCommerce I found some pages I made do not have a basic .woocommerce class, which is used in CSS. Such as some plugins pages and categories filtered by attributes. Here’s the easy way to add .woocommerce class to such pages.Continue reading
Allow Markup in WordPress Category Descriptions
Simple code adds an ability to include HTML markup into category descriptions. A functionality disabled by default in WordPress.Continue reading